Since 2005, Outdoor Cleaning Service has provided Lafayette and surrounding areas with services for all their exterior cleaning service needs. Our services include commercial pressure washing, commercial window washing, parking lot striping, and oil/grease removal. Contact us today for all your Outdoor Cleaning & Pressure Washing Needs!
At Outdoor Cleaning Service, we provide comprehensive, professional-grade window cleaning services to help your business be the best that it can be. Here are some of the advantages we offer:
Our innovative, state-of-the-art technology enables us to safely and effectively clean commercial windows all the way from the ground floor to the seventh story.
We offer both exterior and interior cleaning services, so your windows will sparkle both inside and out.
Our expert team follows rigorous protocols to ensure that the rest of your interior workspace is completely protected from water or chemical residue.
Our innovative, state-of-the-art technology enables us to safely and effectively clean commercial windows all the way from the ground floor to the seventh story.
We offer both exterior and interior cleaning services, so your windows will sparkle both inside and out.
Our expert team follows rigorous protocols to ensure that the rest of your interior workspace is completely protected from water or chemical residue.
Our commercial pressure washing (Lafayette) service is specially designed to bring out the best in your building’s visual appeal. In fact, for building pressure washing, Lafayette businesses know they can rely on Outdoor Cleaning Service to provide cleaning solutions that transcend expectations. That’s because our goal is to always be superlative, by delivering the most effective, top-quality solutions for each and every cleaning project.
Our job is to take dirty concrete and make it shine. With a specialized team and an inventory of the best equipment and cleaners, we’re proud to deliver a surface cleaning solution that improves:
Curb appeal
We remove dirt, chewing gum, grease, and other stains that are impacting the appearance of your hardscapes. The result is a property that looks cleaner, more welcoming, and more professional.
Slip-and-fall accidents are a common fear amongst property owners. We help customers reduce the risk by removing the buildup that can trigger these incidents. This promotes a safer property for pedestrians and drivers alike.
Regularly maintained concrete will last longer. You’ll see fewer cracks, less fading, and stronger quality throughout the entire surface. It’s one of the best ways to put off a costly replacement project.
Curb appeal
We remove dirt, chewing gum, grease, and other stains that are impacting the appearance of your hardscapes. The result is a property that looks cleaner, more welcoming, and more professional.
Slip-and-fall accidents are a common fear amongst property owners. We help customers reduce the risk by removing the buildup that can trigger these incidents. This promotes a safer property for pedestrians and drivers alike.
Regularly maintained concrete will last longer. You’ll see fewer cracks, less fading, and stronger quality throughout the entire surface. It’s one of the best ways to put off a costly replacement project.
Guided by a rigid schedule and tangible deliverables, our clients are always looking ahead. Outdoor Cleaning Service protects your business, the safety of your employees, the code compliance of your site, and your operations with a cleaning service that achieves it all.
With customizable cleaning options and a flexible scheduling setup, we’re proud to adapt to meet the requirements of your site. No job is too big, and we bring the best methods and equipment to deliver quality to you. With our technicians, your workflow – and the quality of your machinery – is always intact.
With customizable cleaning options and a flexible scheduling setup, we’re proud to adapt to meet the requirements of your site. No job is too big, and we bring the best methods and equipment to deliver quality to you. With our technicians, your workflow – and the quality of your machinery – is always intact.