Nadia Cleaning Services is a local business that has been operational since 1999. While it started out as a small business, the word quickly spread and Nadia Cleaning Services became well known for its work ethic and services offered. Clients referred Nadia and her crew all over Washington and the company grew. Our clients know that they can trust us to be professional and efficient, and we value our customers and their experience.
Everybody has their own preferences, that's why when it comes to housekeeping, Nadia Cleaning Services is committed to making sure you get what you need.
We offer weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly upkeep, and if that doesn't work for you, we can always work with you to set up a schedule that will.
Not quiet ready for a housekeeper yet?
No problem.
We offer one-time cleanings to help you out when you need it.
You will get the same professional services from us.
We offer regular and deep cleaning for your one-time services.
We offer weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly upkeep, and if that doesn't work for you, we can always work with you to set up a schedule that will.
Not quiet ready for a housekeeper yet?
No problem.
We offer one-time cleanings to help you out when you need it.
You will get the same professional services from us.
We offer regular and deep cleaning for your one-time services.
Nadia Cleaning Services has all of the needed cleaning supplies.
If you prefer that we use your cleaning supplies, just let us know and we will accommodate.
If you do wish that your supplies are used, either leave instructions of where to find them or simply leave them out for Nadia Cleaning Services.
Our cleaning services have a wide range, and are often customized to our clients needs.
During your free consultation all of your services will be discussed.
Once you are ready to schedule, services will be confirmed.
If you prefer that we use your cleaning supplies, just let us know and we will accommodate.
If you do wish that your supplies are used, either leave instructions of where to find them or simply leave them out for Nadia Cleaning Services.
Our cleaning services have a wide range, and are often customized to our clients needs.
During your free consultation all of your services will be discussed.
Once you are ready to schedule, services will be confirmed.
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