Let us add value and curb appeal to your property. Get the best in home and office exterior cleaning from Joe George Window Cleaning in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We have more than 45 years of experience. Count on our superior window washing services to make the glass in your home or business sparkle and shine like new. Remove the dirt and grime you can't see with our professional pressure washing services as well.
If your gutters are clogged with leaves, we can give them a thorough cleaning or replace them. Gutter guard installation and repair services available. For over 45 years, customers throughout the tri-state area have counted us on for detailed cleaning and exceptional customer service. Contact us for a free estimate of our low-priced work, and count on our owner-trained staff for superior service that leaves your property looking better than ever.
Please note that all cancellations must be made before 7 p.m. the evening before our service day, or a $25 fee will be charged. Contact us to request an estimate on any of our exterior cleaning services.
If your gutters are clogged with leaves, we can give them a thorough cleaning or replace them. Gutter guard installation and repair services available. For over 45 years, customers throughout the tri-state area have counted us on for detailed cleaning and exceptional customer service. Contact us for a free estimate of our low-priced work, and count on our owner-trained staff for superior service that leaves your property looking better than ever.
Please note that all cancellations must be made before 7 p.m. the evening before our service day, or a $25 fee will be charged. Contact us to request an estimate on any of our exterior cleaning services.
Joe George started window cleaning when he was 15 years old, for a company called John Julius Window Cleaning.
It was family-owned, and he worked with them for about two years before joining the military.
After serving for three years in the military, Joe came home and worked two more years for John Julius.
Several years later, after getting married and having a son, Joe wanted to start his own business.
On his days off, with the help of his father-in-law, he would do window cleaning and try to build up a clientele so that he could pursue his dreams.
It was family-owned, and he worked with them for about two years before joining the military.
After serving for three years in the military, Joe came home and worked two more years for John Julius.
Several years later, after getting married and having a son, Joe wanted to start his own business.
On his days off, with the help of his father-in-law, he would do window cleaning and try to build up a clientele so that he could pursue his dreams.
Give your home or business a fresh sparkle.
Joe George Window Cleaning in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, offers window and gutter cleaning, for your home or business.
Our company, which has been family-owned-and-operated since 1973, is fully insured and can provide you with seasonal cleanings or customize a program to meet your individual needs.
Get your interior and exterior windows, storm windows, and skylights clean and streak-free with our professional grade cleaning product.
It is recommended that your storm windows get cleaned at least twice a year.
Joe George Window Cleaning in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, offers window and gutter cleaning, for your home or business.
Our company, which has been family-owned-and-operated since 1973, is fully insured and can provide you with seasonal cleanings or customize a program to meet your individual needs.
Get your interior and exterior windows, storm windows, and skylights clean and streak-free with our professional grade cleaning product.
It is recommended that your storm windows get cleaned at least twice a year.
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